(For Test Takers in India)
Here’s Your TOEFL Voucher Code To Save Rs.1500/-
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Galvanize is your gateway to ace the TOEFL exam with ease. We’ll support you every step of the way.
You gain access to a lot of comprehensive study materials, which are crafted to align with the TOEFL exam format and content. You can get concessions on our TOEFL registration fee with our voucher codes, which can be used on our website.
Learn from our experienced instructors and experts in each subject who are very dedicated to helping you achieve your target TOEFL score with ease.
Put your skills to the test with our practice sessions with tests and TOEFL exams, which allow you to get to know the exam format and build confidence to face the exams.
Customize your TOEFL preparation with what works for your learning style and pace, making sure there is maximum effectiveness and efficiency.
Take advantage of our exclusive TOEFL discount code to access the first-class TOEFL preparation resources and set yourself ahead for excellence. If you are aiming for higher education, career advancement, or personal growth, Galvanize test prep helps you achieve your goals easily. Start your TOEFL journey with us to excel in your exams.
Redeem your TOEFL coupon code now.
Get to know the test format and types of questions. This includes the reading, listening, speaking and writing sections.
Consistent practice is important to improve your language skills. Use our practice test and other resources at discounted rates with the help of our TOEFL voucher code to get to know the questions that will be asked during the exams. Remember that TOEFL iBT is a crucial step in your academic path. Each and every bit of your preparation counts.
Don’t wait- utilize our TOEFL exam voucher code now and save time on your exam journey! With the help of Galvanize, you can achieve your aspirations more efficiently. Take the first step towards your education dreams.
Conducted by ETS, the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is a standardized test designed to assess the English Language Proficiency of non-native speakers. Recognized by 11,000+ universities in 150 countries, including the USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and others, the TOEFL iBT evaluates Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing abilities.
The TOEFL exam fee is Rs. 16,900 or USD 185 and the fees may vary depending on the test locations. With an exclusive discount TOEFL Voucher Code from Galvanize, students appearing for the exam can avail a discount up to Rs. 1500. As declared by the ETS, Galvanize is an Authorized Consultant for TOEFL. As a result of this partnership, students preparing to pursue education abroad and obligated to fulfill university application requirements, including the TOEFL iBT, can conveniently enroll for the test by applying the Galvanize TOEFL coupon code.
By adhering to the steps detailed earlier, you can enjoy a hassle-free process that guarantees you a flat discount of Rs 1500 on your total TOEFL iBT fee by using TOEFL Voucher Code. Don’t miss out on savings—just input the Galvanize TOEFL discount code and avoid paying the full fee. Why pay more when you can pay less?
Throughout the TOEFL test, the goal is not only to assess language proficiency but also to evaluate how well candidates can apply their language skills in an academic context. Don’t wait – utilize our TOEFL Voucher Code now and save time on your language proficiency journey!
The preferred registration method is online via the ETS website, but registration by phone and standard mail is also available.
Aside from a mandatory 12-day waiting period between tests, there are no official limits on how many times an individual student may take the TOEFL.
The time of registering for TOEFL is around 15-20 minutes, provided you have all the details handy and documents scanned. The overall time will not cross more than 30 minutes, and it is completed with getting the TOEFL registration number on the acknowledgment receipt.
The registration fee for test-takers in India is approx ₹14,000 + GST and in the United States, it is $195. The cost of registering to take the TOEFL in other countries can be up to $300.
Most personal items are allowed in the test center building, but no personal items may be brought into the room where the test is administered. Test-takers must store their belongings in on-site lockers.