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Choose Undergraduate Education at Global Universities

Give your child an edge in today's competitive world!

Profile Cards Pavithra New

The who and why of Galvanize Global Education: Letter from a founder

When I founded Galvanize on 5th July 2014, I had one goal in mind: to make it easy for students to make it to their dream schools. Having studied at Stanford University on a Fellowship, I’ve experienced the wonderful opportunity of having lived and studied alongside others who made the cut as well. At Galvanize, many on our team have been lucky to have had similar success.
Why does this matter? By possessing the DNA of actual successful admits ourselves, we know intimately, what makes applicants admit-worthy at top universities. That knowledge and an unmatched zeal to make it happen is what we bring to the table. Every. Single. Time.
It’s why, since that day in 2014, over half a million people in 55+ countries have found and chosen Galvanize to guide them through this crucial journey.
So, whether you need a lot of help or just a little, we’ve got you covered.

I've improved a lot and I have only Galvanize to thank for that. Each concept is tackled in depth.

Nandan Konety,
Mallya Aditi International School, Bengaluru, India

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Steps to Apply to Undergraduate Degree Programs at Global Universities!

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Expert Assistance at Every Stage

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Galvanize Test Prep can help you make the journey!

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Give your child the confidence and clarity they will need to succeed at this crucial junction!

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