There are a lot of arrangements to make, and decisions to take when it comes to starting a course, career and even a life in a new country. Help us help you make it less overwhelming, and choose Galvanize, for we will handle all of your accommodation needs in the country you’ve chosen to study in. We’re with you through every step of the way!
Finding a Right Place to Stay in a new Country is challenging
An exceptionally unique solution just for you
Step 1: Fill the Form
Take only 2-minutes to complete our profile form (on the go) with your accommodation requirements. Get Started.
Step 2: Check Your Inbox
Check the email from ‘Galvanize Test Prep’. Use the Unique URL shared and explore your preferred destinations.
Step 3: Find Your Room
Choose from a hand-picked list of accommodation services in various cities. From the comfort of your home!
Step 4: Start Packing
Prepare for your life-changing journey! This is where your dreams take off, and so do you!
If you need an assistance in accommodation service, we strongly urge you to fill the form below!
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