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GRE Score- 317 Verbal- 156 Quant- 161

Score Improvement- 19

SSN College of Engineering


Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia

Thanks to Galvanize and their team, I was able to score 317 in the GRE (Q-161, V-156).The lessons were structured very well and included a sufficient number of section tests to gain confidence in every single topic related to the exam. The most impressive thing is their feedback for our performance in the mock tests. Their responses are very detailed and help us to know which topics need more focus and where we spend more time. This analysis helped me utilize my test time efficiently. The progress bar which tracks our performances also gives us a realistic expected score which helps us know where we stand currently.I feel I made the right choice in choosing Galvanize GRE preparation and my decision was vindicated as I was able to improve by 10-15 marks in a very short span of 30-35 days.

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