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GRE Score- 326 Verbal- 156 Quant- 170

Score Improvement- 14

Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology (NSIT)

KritiKal Solutions

Columbia University

When I first took my GRE, I was very unhappy with my Verbal score of 149 (41st percentile). I looked for GRE mobile apps on Google Playstore and found the Galvanize GRE app. After spending some time on the app, I decided that their online GRE course would be perfect for me. As it turned out, the online course was indeed very suitable for me as I was a working professional and couldn’t give a lot of time for my GRE preparation. The daily schedule they gave was great as I could take my preparation “one day at a time”. The video lessons were crystal clear and I was finally able to understand how to approach the questions. The mock tests were also really helpful in preparing me for the actual GRE exam and I was able to find out the areas where I made the most mistakes. In the end I was able to get a Verbal score of 156 (71st percentile) – a huge 31 percentile point jump when compared to my previous attempt. I am extremely satisfied with Galvanize Test Prep! Thanks to you guys, I’m now doing my Masters in Computer Science at Columbia University, New York – an Ivy League school! 🙂

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