A Complete Guide To
IELTS Speaking Topics
Table of Contents
1.IELTS Speaking Sections
Part 1 : Introduction Questions
Part 2 : Individual Long Run
Part 3 : Two way discussion
2.Basic IELTS Speaking Topics
3. IELTS Sample Cue Card Topics
4. IELTS Speaking Solved Cue Card Topics
5. Dos & Dont’s in IELTS Speaking Section 1
6. Tips for IELTS Speaking Section 2
7. Tips for IELTS Speaking Section 3
8. FAQ
Looking for some IELTS Speaking topics for practice? Here, in this article, we have got you covered. Find a set of questions for all the 3 parts of the Speaking section. On top of that, find some essential tips which will help you prepare better. So, are you ready for some speaking practice? Let’s get right into it!
Chapter 1
IELTS Speaking Sections
Duration: 11 to 14 minutes
The Speaking test will evaluate your ability to communicate in English. The test will take between 11 and 14 minutes and will consist of you discussing a range of subjects with an IELTS examiner. Your examination will take place in a quiet room with an assessor who will urge you to talk as much as possible. Unlike an AI examination, an IELTS examiner can make you feel at ease and confident. They can also comprehend your accent, ensuring you earn the highest possible score. The Speaking test is divided into 3 sub parts.
Part 1
The assessor will ask you broad questions about yourself as well as a variety of common themes including home, family, career, studies, and interests. This segment lasts for 4 to 5 minutes.
Part 2
You will be handed a task card and asked to speak on a certain topic by the examiner. You will be given one minute to prepare prior to actually speaking for up to two minutes. To complete this section of the examination, the examiner will ask one or two problems on the same topic.
Part 3
In Part 2, you will be asked additional questions about the topic. These questions will help you to talk about more complex concepts and concerns. This section of the test lasts 4 to 5 minutes.
Part 1: Introduction Questions
Duration: 4 to 5 minutes
The assessor will prompt you to say your name and present your identity in Part 1 of the examination. Following that, you will be asked basic questions about you, like where you reside and what you are doing now (working or studying).
You will next be given questions about a variety of familiar themes, such as your favorite music, cuisine, the weather, or movies. In most cases, you will be questioned about one or two themes. The assessor will ask prepared questions and listen to your answers, urging you to prolong your response with a “why?” or “why not?” if it is too brief.
This section of the exam uses a question-and-answer style to assess your ability to convey ideas and information about common subjects by answering a variety of questions.
Part 2: Individual Long Turn
Duration: 3 to 4 minutes
Following Part 1, the examiner will assign you a topic and ask you to speak on it for 1 to 2 minutes.
The topic will be presented to you on a card, along with a sheet of paper and a pencil for taking notes. On the card, you will find the speaking prompt as well as several topics you can discuss in your presentation.
Before you talk, you will have precisely one minute to prepare and take notes. When your minutes are up, the examiner will use a timer to notify you.
The examiner will inform you when to begin your presentation and will remind you that you will be stopped after 2 minutes. The task card scores will help you to think about what to say, and you should strive to talk for the entire 2 minutes. Before moving on to the next phase, they may ask you a question regarding what you have stated.
This section of the exam examines your ability to talk at long on a specific topic while using proper language and organising your thoughts logically. You can utilise your own knowledge of the subject to assist you finish the long turn.
Part 3: Two-way Discussion
Duration: 4 to 5 minutes
The questions in Part 3 will be related to the broad theme that you discussed in Part 2. You will debate the issue in a more general and abstract manner, demonstrating to the assessor that you can articulate and explain your ideas, as well as analyse, discuss, and hypothesise on the topic in greater depth.
If your lengthy turn was about a lovely location to visit in your city, this part might start with discussing about beautiful places, and the first question could be, “Do you believe it’s essential to keep beautiful places in cities?”
In this portion, the assessor will speak with you longer and may ask you to defend your thoughts to evaluate how effectively you can communicate abstract ideas compared to the personal subjects you discussed in Parts 1 and 2.
Part 3 assesses your ability to articulate and explain your ideas, as well as analyse, discuss, and hypothesise on a variety of topics related to the overall topic you discussed in Part 2.
Chapter 2
Basic IELTS Speaking Topics
You must select an IELTS speaking cue card for Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking Test. The job asks you to talk for around 2 minutes on a certain topic. To enhance and master vocabulary relevant to each theme, practise IELTS speaking topics with friends, families, or partners. The following are some basic topics on which you may practice for the Speaking Test:
Accommodation & Hometown
- Let’s speak about where you grew up. What is the location of your hometown?
- What do you find appealing about it?
- What is it that you don’t like about it?
- What is the significance of your hometown to you?
- Do you believe you will remain in your hometown?
- Let’s move on to the topic of lodging. What type of living situation do you have?
- Is there a lot of stuff to do where you live?
- Is there anything you’d like to alter about your current residence?
- Do you intend to stay for a long time?
Hometown & Weather
- What is the most well-known feature of your country?
- What part of your nation do you reside in?
- Is it a fun location to call home?
- Do you intend to stay in the area in the future?
- What’s the weather like today?
- What sort of weather do you prefer?
- Is there any kind of weather that you despise?
- How is the weather in your country?
- In your nation, does the weather have an impact on people’s lives?
- Is it true that people change in the summer?
- Is poor weather ever a factor in your country’s transportation?
- Do you currently have a job?
- Is what you do for a living something you enjoy?
- What are your job responsibilities?
- What does a typical workday include for you?
- What aspects of your work would you change?
- In five years, what do you anticipate you’ll be doing?
- What credentials and abilities are necessary for this position?
Volunteer works
- Have you ever had any previous job experience?
- What was it like on your first day at work?
- What were your duties at work?
- What was a normal day at work like for you?
- Have you ever done any voluntary work before?
- What motivated you to take part in the volunteer work?
- Do you know somebody who is able to assist?
- When you hear the words “volunteer labour,” what comes to mind?
- Could you talk a little about where you grew up?
- What has changed in your hometown over the ages?
- Is there any way to make your hometown a better place?
- Is your hometown well-served by public transportation?
- What do the people in your community do for a living?
- Do you have a large number of acquaintances?
- What is your best friend’s name, and why is he or she your best friend?
- Who would you like to be friends with the most, and why?
- What sort of person can you readily become friends with?
- Which is more valuable to you: family or friends?
High School & Hometown
- What is the location of your hometown?
- How frequently do you return to your hometown?
- What is the population of your town?
- What is the most well-known feature of your hometown?
- What portion of your town is the oldest?
- In high school, who was your favourite teacher?
- In high school, what was your favourite subject?
- Do you recall how you felt on your first day of high school?
- Do you remain in touch with any of your high school friends?
- Do you long for the days when you were in high school?
Lifestyle & Work
- What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
- Do you have a crowded social calendar?
- Do you living a physically active lifestyle?
- Is your life significantly different now than it was a year ago?
- What aspects of your lifestyle would you wish to alter?
- Do you have a job right now?
- How well do you get along with your coworkers?
- At work, what duties do you have?
- Is there a healthy job market in your own country?
Family & Housework
- In your close circle, how many persons are there?
- Within your family, with whom do you get along best?
- Do you come from a huge family?
- What do you and your family do together?
- What makes your family so important to you?
- Do you clean your house at home?
- What type of housekeeping do you perform on a regular basis?
- Do you remember doing chores as a kid?
- Do you believe kids should help with housework?
Books & TV
- Do you prefer to sit in front of the television and watch programmes?
- Do you watch television on a regular basis?
- What are some of your favourite television shows?
- In your nation, which TV series are the most popular?
- Have your watching habits changed as a result of the internet?
- Do you read frequently?
- Are you a reader who enjoys picking up a book and immersing yourself in Why?
- Do you have a lot of books at home?
- What types of novels do you enjoy reading the most?
- Do you prefer to read books that you have purchased or those that you have borrowed?
- What advantages does reading provide?
Home & TV
- Who do you share your home with?
- Which room in your house is your favourite?
- What kind of décor do you have in your house?
- Do you enjoy having people over to your house?
- Do you enjoy watching television?
- What is your current favourite television show?
- What was your favourite programme when you were a child?
- Do you enjoy viewing television programmes from other countries?
Accommodation & Weather
- Do you live in a house or an apartment?
- Is it a large location?
- How long have you been a resident there?
- What are your favourite aspects about living there?
- Is there a garden in your neighbourhood?
- Do you like hot or cold weather?
- What is the weather like in your nation at various periods of the year?
- When you were a kid, what time of year did you like the most?
- Do you pay close attention to weather forecasts on a regular basis?
- Has the weather in your nation altered much in recent years?
Advertisements & Books
- Are you a book aficionado? Why?
- What book would you bring with you on a lengthy trip?
- How simple is it for you to read English-language books?
- Have you lately stopped reading a book?
- What types of individuals enjoy reading and what types of people do not enjoy reading?
- Do you enjoy watching commercials?
- Will you make a purchase based on a commercial?
- When you encounter pop-up advertising on the internet, how do you feel?
- Do you like humorous or serious commercials?
- What constitutes a good commercial?
Celebrity & Computer
- Are you a computer user?
- What do you do with a computer?
- Have you ever used a computer since you were a kid?
- Is it common for individuals to utilise computers these days?
- Are humans going to keep using computers in the future?
- Which celebrity is your favourite?
- Do you have a favourite celebrity from another country?
- Do you want to be well-known in the future?
- Do you believe we should safeguard the privacy of celebrities?
- In your nation, how do superstars affect their fans?
Movies & Music
- How frequently do you go to the movies?
- Is it costly to go to the movies in your country?
- What are the advantages of going to the movies?
- Do you like to watch movies alone or with other people?
- In a film, which actor would you prefer to play you?
- What method do you use to listen to music?
- When do you listen to music the most?
- What is your favourite musical genre?
- Is music a popular topic in your country’s schools?
- What are the most popular types of music in your country?
Music & Newspaper and magazine
- What is your favourite musical genre?
- Do you enjoy hearing live music?
- Is live music a popular kind of entertainment in your country?
- Have you ever attended a live performance? Alternatively, have you ever attended a musical performance?
- Do you read newspapers on a regular basis?
- Do you prefer to read news from your hometown or from around the world?
- Newspapers or mags, which is more common where you live?
- Today, how many people read newspapers?
- Do you believe people will read magazines more or less in the future than they do now?
- Do you believe newspapers will play an essential role in your life in the future?
Music & Travel
- How long has it been since you last took a vacation?
- Would you wish to return to that location?
- What type of vacation spots do you normally go to?
- Have you ever had a foreign visitor stay with you?
- What is the most cost-effective method to travel?
- How much time do you spend each day playing music?
- Do you have a wide range of musical tastes?
- What is your favourite piece of music?
- Do you enjoy belting out your favourite tunes?
- Are you currently learning to play a musical instrument?
Internet & Major
- What part of your life does the Online world play?
- Do you prefer to use the Internet for business or for fun?
- Do you believe you use the Internet excessively?
- What will be the future of the Internet?
- Are there any drawbacks to using the Internet?
- What is your field of study? Or, more specifically, what was your major?
- Did you like it or did it not appeal to you?
- Is it a popular course at your institution?
- What topic would you switch to if you had the option?
- If you had the chance, would you alter it?
Internet & Outdoor activities
- Do you enjoy participating in outdoor activities?
- What kinds of outdoor activities do you enjoy?
- How much time do you spend outside on a weekly basis?
- In your nation, what kinds of outdoor activities are popular?
- How frequently do you surf the web?
- Do you believe you use the Internet excessively?
- What are some of your favourite web pages?
- What are the benefits and drawbacks of using the Internet?
Indoor activities & Transportation
- Do you prefer to take public transit or hire a car?
- In your town, what is the most popular mode of transportation?
- Is it simple to get a bus ticket in your country?
- Is it common in your nation for people to drive to work?
- Which mode of transportation do you believe will become the most famous in your country?
- Do you enjoy doing things inside?
- What are your favourite indoor activities?
- How much time do you spend each week indoors?
- In your nation, what kinds of indoor activities are common?
Major & Sports
- Do you work or go to school?
- What is your field of study? Or, more specifically, what was your major?
- What made you decide on that major?
- What is the most challenging aspect of learning that subject?
- Do you intend to apply what you’re learning in the future?
- Do you participate in any sports?
- Do you like to watch sports on television?
- What is your best and most popular sport?
- In your nation, how do people remain in shape?
- Is it necessary for youngsters to participate in sports?
Gift & Noise
- Do you mind if there are some noises?
- What kinds of noise do you encounter on a daily basis?
- Do you have any favourite sounds?
- What are the locations where you may hear loud noises?
- Do you believe that modern society has too much noise?
- Is it true that cities are growing noisier?
- What time of year do you send gifts?
- Have you ever gotten a present that you didn’t care for?
- When you get a present, how do you react?
- Do people in your nation send presents as a gesture of goodwill?
Patience & Politeness
- What do you consider patience to be?
- Do you believe patience is essential?
- Do you consider yourself to be a patient person?
- Have you ever had a bout of impatience?
- Are you a courteous individual?
- Who instilled in you the virtue of politeness?
- Is it necessary to be courteous?
- What do you do if people are rude to you?
Colors & Weather
- What is the year’s most lovely season?
- What do people usually do during that time of year?
- What is the weather like in your nation (or hometown) on a regular basis?
- How does the weather in this city compare to the weather in your native country?
- What are your favourite colours?
- In your nation, what is the most popular colour?
- Do you like dark or bright colours to wear?
- What is the difference between men’s and women’s colour preferences?
- Do colours have an impact on your mood?
Food & Weather
- Do you eat a balanced diet?
- Do you prefer to enjoy a meal at home or a restaurant?
- Do you enjoy having meals delivered to your home?
- What company do you use to get meals delivered?
- Do you consume your meals differently today than when you were younger?
- Which type of weather do you prefer?
- Would you say your town’s weather is conducive to working (or studying)?
- Would you wish to relocate to a location with a different climate?
- Which season (or weather) do you believe is best for working and/or studying?
Clothes & Photos
- What’s your go-to piece of clothing?
- Is your nation known for its traditional clothing?
- What store do you normally buy your clothing from?
- Have you ever purchased clothing from an internet retailer?
- What do you typically photograph?
- What method do you use to save your photos?
- Do you have a PC where you save your photos?
- Have any of your photographs been framed?
- Do you prefer to give them postcards or photographs that you have taken yourself?
Art & Photography
- Are you a fan of art?
- Do you believe that art lessons are required?
- What impact do you believe art lessons have on children’s development?
- What types of paintings are popular in your country?
- What are the advantages of painting as a hobby?
- Do you enjoy taking pictures?
- Do you prefer to take your own photographs or have others take them for you?
- How frequently do you snap pictures?
- Do you prefer to photograph people or landscapes?
- Do you have any photographs on your walls?
Bags & Boat
- Have you ever gone on a boat ride?
- Do you like to go by boat?
- What are some of the benefits of travelling by boat?
- Is it common for individuals in your nation to go by boat?
- Will it become more well-known in the future?
- Do you have a thing for bags?
- What kind of bags do you prefer?
- When you go out, do you generally bring a bag with you?
- What kinds of baggage do you carry about with you on a daily basis?
- What do you pack these bags with?
- What types of bags do ladies like to purchase?
Chapter 3
IELTS Speaking Sample Cue Card Topics
Describe a situation in which you were tired yet needed to stay up
You should say:
- when it was and where you were
- why you were sleepy
- why you had to stay awake
Describe a moment when you were out in public and heard a person on the phone
You should say:
- where this happened
- when it happened
- what the person was talking about
Describe a moment when you had to wait for something or someone for an extended period of time
You should say:
- who or what you were waiting for
- how long you had to wait
- why you had to wait
Describe a fascinating discussion or lecture that you have heard or attended
You should say:
- who was the speaker
- when and where you heard/attended it
- what it was about
Describe a chilly winter morning that you recall
You should say:
- when it was
- what you were doing
- what the temperature was like
Describe a busy area you’ve visited
You should say:
- where the place is
- when you went there
- with whom you went there
Describe a moment when you were dissatisfied with something
You should say:
- what was the issue
- whom you complained about it
- what the result was
Describe someone who is environmentally conscious.
You should say:
- who this person is
- how you know him/her
- what he/she does
Describe a skill that is difficult to learn
You should say:
- what the skill is
- how useful is that skill
- Why is it so difficult
Describe an accomplishment that you are proud of that your buddy has achieved
You should say:
- what success it was
- how he/she achieved it
- how easy or difficult it was
IELTS Speaking Solved Cue Card Topics
Describe an invention that, in your opinion, has transformed the way people live
People have developed a plethora of things from the dawn of time in order to make their lives simpler and more pleasant. Today, I’d like to discuss one such technology that has essentially transformed the way we work and live.
This innovation is known as “computers,” and it is widely regarded as the most successful and life-changing technology in the previous four decades or so due to its ability to solve a wide range of issues every minute of our lives. Computers are used in almost every work, industry, and headquarters today, from storing massive amounts of information in a small piece of equipment to calculating very complex mathematical calculations in a split second to assisting people in different regions of the world in communicating with one another. Because of computers, we can complete complicated jobs in the office in minutes rather than weeks. Furthermore, it is the computer-assisted method that allows manufacturing businesses to produce hundreds of automobiles in a single day, which would have previously taken years. Not to mention the enormous value it has provided in discovering countless fresh discoveries in space and on other worlds. So, in reality, the benefits of computers are vast, whether we are simply browsing the internet or attempting to calculate the rotational speeds of a new planet in a new solar system. The nicest thing about this computer, even by way, is that everyone, irrespective of age or professional affiliation, utilizes it and benefits from it in some manner.
So, in any case, computers have revolutionized our lives by not only making us more productive at our homes, workplaces, and businesses but also by providing us with a great sense of mental relaxation. Furthermore, technology has aided us in making new discoveries that will result in a slew of new advantages for humanity.
Describe a piece of clothing you got as a gift lately
My father surprised me with a lovely suite for my 20th birthday this year. It was a well-made outfit with high-quality clothing. The fabric was appealing, and the color was striking. I counted myself fortunate to have it on my share. This appears to be a good candidate task card topic, and I am delighted to provide a brief description of the gift.
The outfit arrived the evening before my birthday celebration. My father came running into the house and begged me to meet him in his study. I knew he was attempting to catch me off guard with something. But I didn’t realize that this would be a good suit item. In reality, it was not my idea for him to bring the outfit for me. I had no idea how he obtained my body measurement because the outfit fit me exactly. My father is a fascinating individual. He enjoys surprising people. However, most of the time, the individuals he is attempting to surprise become aware of the surprise. As a result, he is unable to shock them in the majority of situations. But in this case, I was pleasantly surprised, and my father was relieved to have completed his objective. I know Dad spent a lot of money on the outfit he got me.
Of course, that was a fantastic gift for me. My father is the person in my life whom I most adore. Besides, that was his birthday present to me. So, without a doubt, this was a significant present for me. Furthermore, the outfit was constructed in a color that I adore. It was dark blue and sewn by the city’s most known and skilled tailor. I’ve been wearing the suit to formal events and taking good care of it.
Describe a website that you frequently visit
I only have a few minutes to inform you about a website that I frequently visit. I’ll explain what the site is, how long I’ve been using it, what is in it, and why I visit it so frequently.
The BBC news website is the one you’re looking for. It may be found at www.bbc.co.uk/news, but I just do it as a favorite on my browser. I am a total BBC addict! I try to visit the website many times each day if possible, and I’ve been doing so for as long as I can remember. For as far as the site has existed, but most likely for the last 10 years or more. The BBC news website is enormous. It displays breaking news headlines in real-time, and from the home page, you may navigate to other sorts of news categories. There are sections for international news, health concerns, environmental reporting, education, sport, science and education, and entertainment and arts articles, to name a few. You may read text-based articles that are accompanied by a few images, which is my favorite method of getting news and information, or you can watch news videos or listen to audio bits. I believe the website is really thorough and user-friendly.
For me, the BBC News site is a one-stop shop for all current events and news topics. I appreciate how I can read breaking news headlines fairly instantly, but it also contains more nuanced reporting. Comprehensive web articles that provide an in-depth examination of global or local issues. I can also check out what the weather prediction is, which is always useful in the UK because it can change so fast, and I like to be able to keep up with what is going on around me in Sheffield, where I reside. I also trust the BBC website to provide balanced reporting, and I believe it has journalistic credibility, so I believe that if I read it every day, I will have a great outlook on what is going on around the world, as well as enough information to form my own opinions on current events around the world. The only disadvantage of the website is that I find it to be quite addicting! Because it is regularly updated, it is enticing to return and take another look if there are running news stories that I am following. It can cause me to delay when I should be working, but I tell myself it is essential to stay up with what is going on around the world, even if I know it wouldn’t harm to restrict myself to a couple of news “fixes’ ‘ a day!
Dos & Donts in IELTS Speaking Section 1
- Know what to expect
- Make a good first impression
- Answer as if you’re interested in the questions
- Extend your answers
- Practice a lot
- Give Yes/No Answers
- Go Off Topic
- Give No Answer
- Speak Very Quietly
- Be a Perfectionist
Tips for IELTS Speaking Section 2
Get a Preparation Buddy
It’s a good idea to locate a practice partner with whom you can practice speaking. Find an IELTS instructor if you can – a competent coach will show you how to complete speaking task 2 correctly and will offer you advice on how to improve.
Record Yourself
Another helpful tip is to film yourself presenting your presentation on your smartphone, either audio or video. Then, after that, listen to it. Then analyze and consider how you may improve.
Practice Making Notes
You should take notes for your discussion in task 2 of the examination, so practice this before the exam. Don’t pace yourself at first; simply practice taking notes. Later, allow yourself 2 minutes, then practice taking notes in 1 minute.
Watch British Council or IDP Videos
The British Council and IDP have produced several videos of IELTS-speaking test takers. Keep an eye on these and pay close attention to the responses of high-level applicants. Pay close attention to applicants who are slightly above your present level or at the level you want to be. If you want a Band 7 in Speaking, don’t listen to a Band 9 applicant; instead, listen to a Band 7 or Band 8 applicant.
Tips for IELTS Speaking Section 3
Extend Speaking Responses
Always make your IELTS speaking replies at least two to three sentences long. IELTS speaking exam guidelines advise students to expand their answers rather than limit them to a single line. If the examiner asks, “Do you dance?” the response should not be “Yes” or “No.” They can include phrases like “I’ve been dancing since I was a child.” It aids in my fitness maintenance.’
Maintain Coherence
IELTS speaking terms and phrases such as ‘nevertheless,’ ‘all in all,’ ‘however,’ and moreover’ assist applicants in improving their speaking abilities. For IELTS speaking, candidates must study more vocabulary terms.
Take Time Before Speaking
It is possible that you will be unable to respond to the IELTS speaking question. Allow yourself extra time by including phrases such as ‘That’s quite a hard topic…’, ‘That’s quite an intriguing question…’, and ‘I never really talked about it…’.
Never Panic
It is possible that you made a mistake when speaking. Instead of panicking, attempt to respond calmly. If you are unable to address the issue, please proceed with your IELTS speaking response. Your IELTS speaking score will not be reduced significantly by the examiner.
Never Mug Up Your Answer
The IELTS examiners are capable of determining whether or not you have remembered any answers. This will not only cause a bias during performance evaluation, but it will also have an effect on the IELTS band score. This is mostly pertinent to the IELTS speaking section 1.
Avoid Using Complex Words
Trying to impress the assessor with large and complicated words in your IELTS Speaking Test is not one of the IELTS speaking tips and techniques. Avoid employing tough words with which you are unfamiliar. There is a greater chance of making mistakes and applying them incorrectly.
Ask The Examiner to Repeat
If a candidate does not understand a question, he or she may ask the assessor to repeat it. Requesting the IELTS speaking will have no effect on the candidate’s IELTS speaking band score. It is usually preferable to explain your inquiry rather than respond with an incorrect response.
Don’t Stress Over Your Accent
Accents are not taken into account by the IELTS tester. Candidates should solely focus on cohesive replies when answering IELTS speaking part 1 questions, as well as the other two parts. There is nothing to worry about if you can communicate well in the language. The examiner can understand your English speaking abilities and accent through a face-to-face IELTS speaking examination.
Avoid Utilizing Fillers
Including during online IELTS speaking practise, candidates are advised not to utilise fillers. Speak without hesitation and avoid using filler words, such as
- Like
- You know
- Umm
- Ahh
- Ehh
- Well
By utilising these terms in your IELTS Speaking Test, you demonstrate that you are unable to find the appropriate language or concept. Discuss IELTS speaking topics with your friends.
Smile While Speaking
Smiling can let you calm your anxieties, which improves your pronunciation and boosts your confidence. To achieve improvement in the IELTS Speaking Test, try to talk clearly and provide a concise explanation. A competent speaker has an edge, and this is a crucial IELTS Speaking tip for scoring well.
Don’t Talk in a Monotone
Putting emphasis on certain phrases and pausing at key points in your answer might make your conversation with the examiner more interesting. It also broadens the scope of the debate, so keep that in mind. A good IELTS Speaking band 8 advice is to practise speaking in front of a mirror. The more practise you have, the more fluid you will be on the IELTS Speaking test.
Can I ask questions to the examiner in the IELTS Speaking test?
Ans. You can ask him/her to repeat the question or rephrase it for better understanding.
Will I be evaluated on my accent too?
Ans. No, your accent won’t be analysed. You will be analysed on your vocabulary, fluency, grammar, etcs.
Will I get a better score with a British accent?
Ans. No, you won’t be judged on your accent
What can I wear on the exam day?
Ans. You can wear anything you are comfortable with. You aren’t judged on that basis.
What is the duration of the Speaking test?
Ans. It takes 12-14 minutes to complete all the 3 parts. The 1st part takes 5 mins, 2nd part takes 3 mins and 3rd part takes around 5 mins.
The IELTS Speaking section can be a scoring one for you if you practice regularly. The section is subdivided into 3 parts which assess your fluency, tone, grammar, vocabulary and much more. You can pick sample topics from the article and practice them on a daily basis. Keep the tips in your mind to enhance your preparation to a whole new level.
Written by Madhurjya Chowdhury
Guided by Pavitra Srinivasan and the Galvanize Admissions Team
Beneficial for an overall picture of IELTS speaking. Thanks.